Recruiting. Branding. Engaging.

With Appril festival, our jobboard and our community

Connect with the best app experts in NL!

Welcome to Appril, where we redefine the standards of finding the best developers and experts, who deliver your app. We are not your traditional placement firm; we go above and beyond to provide you with exceptional talent and unparalleled support. Our unique approach combines spotlighting your company in combination with recruitment and comprehensive services tailored to your needs. Like providing job podcasts, training your staff and inspiring your team. We are here to support your growth and success. <3

Ready to tap into the vast potential of the app development industry? Discover our exceptional services today and unlock the best talent for your organization.

Engage     +     Brand     +     Match

Engage your employees

Sign up your employees to appril festival!

Appril festival offers plenty of opportunities to engage, entertain and educate. Not only in the field of app development, but we also offer many sessions on UX/UI design, project management and marketing.

All our sessions are hosted by renowned pioneers in their fields, making sure each session is a surefire brain teaser for your employees.

Strengthen your employer brand

Get your name out there! Appril festival provides you with a number of different online and offline tools to attract new talent.

Let potentials know about your company and show them what makes you and your products awesome!

Wether you want to organize your own (online) session, share articles with peers or create extra promotion for your company or products: the possibilities are endless.

Want to know more about the available packages and what appril festival can do for you?

Find Talent

Finding fresh, new talent is a big challenge, even for established companies. The current market asks for a new, innovative approach.

Appril Festival recognizes this. That is way we partnered up with specialised recruitment agency The House of Appril to help you find your future talents through appril festival.

By joining the festival as a partner you get full access to our network, our recruitment specialists and services.

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